
Showing posts from February, 2024


    💲✂️ Big Sale >>  BLUE LOTUS DRIED FLOWERS Kratom Alternatives, Lifestyle Enhancers & Boosters We source the absolutely most potent Blue Lotus Dried Flowers! Some people report an aphrodisiac quality and others see it as a tool for lucid dreaming .  The Blue Lotus has been known & used for thousands of years by civilizations such as (& most notably) the Ancient Egyptians .  Historical Uses include (recipes shipped with purchases): - BLUE LOTUS WINE - BLUE LOTUS LIQUOR - BLUE LOTUS SMOKE/VAPE BLENDS - BLUE LOTUS AROMATHERAPY Product Tags:  Blue Lotus ,  Blue Water Lily ,  Dried Blue Lotus Flowers ,  Egyptian Blue Lotus ,  Kratom Substitutes ,  Lily of the Nile ,  Nymphaea Caerulea ,  Sacred Blue Lily


  💲✂️ Big Sale >>  25% AKUAMMA (ENHANCED) EXTRACT CAPSULES Kratom Alternatives, Lifestyle Enhancers & Boosters Our 25% Enriched Akuamma Extract Capsules . This is 25% stronger/more robust than the standard Akuamma Powder.  Each capsule contains circa 0.5 grams of Akuamma Seed Powder. Background : The dried seeds from this plant are used traditionally throughout West Africa, particularly in Ghana as well as in the Ivory Coast and Nigeria.  Akuammine is the most abundant active alkaloid found in the seeds & is structurally related to mitragynine ( Kratom ). Product Tags:  Akuamma ,  Akuammine ,  Bulk Herbs ,  Bulk Kratom Sizes & Deals ,  Helpful Herbs & Adaptogens ,  Kratom Substitutes ,  Picralima Nitida

💲✂️ Big Sale >> 200:1 BLUE LOTUS EXTRACT

    💲✂️ Big Sale >>  200:1 BLUE LOTUS EXTRACT Kratom Alternatives, Lifestyle Enhancers & Boosters Our superb Egyptian Blue Lotus resin extract is concentrated at a ratio of 200:1 (200 kg used per each 1 kg of extract) . The Blue Lotus has been used as an aromatherapy agent and as a source of perfumes since ancient times.  The Blue Lotus has been known & used for thousands of years by civilizations such as (& most notably) the Ancient Egyptians . It’s originally believed to come from the Nile from where it spread in ancient times to India & Thailand. Quite a few stone carvings reveal that the Ancient Egyptians used blue lotus in combination with wine in their festivities and religious ceremonies.  There is good evidence that this flower is highly likely to be the main candidate in Homer’s Odyssey (referring to ‘The Land of the Lotus…’). The Mayans were also said to be fond of  Product Tags:  200:1 Blue Lotus Extract ,


  💲✂️ Big Sale >>  VALERIAN ROOT EXTRACT Kratom Alternatives, Lifestyle Enhancers & Boosters Valerian Root Extract is a common remedy used for treating insomnia & to promote sleep .  Valeriana officinalis – is an herbal remedy that has been known since the Ancient Greeks wrote about it. Hippocrates, the famed Greek doctor for whom the Hippocratic Oath came from, used valerian root to treat insomnia. It is native to Europe & Asia, but now also grows in North America. Product Tags:  Anti-Stress ,  Helpful Herbs & Adaptogens ,  Potentiators ,  Relaxing Herbs ,  Sleep Aid ,  Valerian Root Extract

💲✂️ Big Sale >> 20:1 Incarvillea Sinensis

  💲✂️ Big Sale >>  20:1 Incarvillea Sinensis Kratom Alternatives, Lifestyle Enhancers & Boosters Incarvillea Sinensis is a Chinese herb known for centuries, at the least. It has been used as a tool to help aid a variety of ailments & aches as well as assist with alleviating insomnia, restlessness & anxiety.  This 20:1 extract uses a ratio of 20 X (aka weight of the herb) to 1 Y  (aka the volume of extract, solvent/menstruum). For instance, 20 kg of Incarvillea used to make 1 kg of extract. Product Tags:  Pain Remedy, Anti-Anxiety, Insomnia Aid,   Bulk Herbs ,  Chinese Herbs ,  Helpful Herbs & Adaptogens ,  Incarvillea Sinensis ,  Kratom Substitutes

💲✂️ Big Sale >> 100:1 Incarvillea Sinensis

 💲✂️ Big Sale >> 100:1 Incarvillea Sinensis Incarvillea Sinensis is a Chinese herb known for centuries, at the least. It has been used as a tool to help aid a variety of ailments & aches as well as assist with alleviating insomnia, restlessness & anxiety. This 100:1 extract uses a ratio of 100 X (aka weight of the herb) to 1 Y  (aka the volume of extract, solvent/menstruum). For instance, 100 kg of Incarvillea used to make 1 kg of extract. Product Tags: Pain Remedy, Anti-Anxiety, Insomnia Aid,   Bulk Herbs ,  Chinese Herbs ,  Helpful Herbs & Adaptogens ,  Incarvillea Sinensis ,  Kratom Substitutes
💘  25%  OFF on  15  Kratom Products  |   5 Days of Valentine’s 💞